15 Jan ’25: We are aware of translation issues affecting our app and are actively working to resolve them promptly. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Important: read this first!
Do you belong to Group A or Group B?

We have a new website since August 12th 2020.
Users that subscribed before this date are GROUP A, the old members.
Users that subscribed after August 5th 2020 are GROUP B, the new members.


Group A can unsubscribe by sending a email via the contact form
Group B can unsubscribe via their account. 

Group A: You can only use the enter code for two devices. Contact us to remove one of the devices. In that case you can use the code again.

GROUP B: You can only be logged in on two devices. If you log in on a third, your first device will be logged out.

Group A: you have to stop your current subscription and take a new one. Please e-mail us.
Group B: Go to your “my account” on this website. There you can update your details.

You can not obtain a subscription with your debit card. We advise you to take a PayPal account. With a Paypal account you can get a subscription. 

Contact Form Demo
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