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Принципи концепції MULLIGAN™

Principles of the MULLIGAN™ Concept

The Physiotherapy treatment of musculoskeletal injuries has progressed from its foundation in remedial gymnastics and active exercise to therapist-applied passive physiological movements and on to therapist-applied accessory techniques. Brian Mulligan’s concept of mobilisations with movement (MWMS) in the extremities and sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGS) in the spine are the logical continuance of this evolution with the concurrent application of both therapist applied accessory and patient generated active physiological movements.

Benefits of Mobilization with Movement

Health Practitioners trained in manual therapy assist individuals with impairments of mobility and function. The Mulligan Concept of manual therapy is specifically designed to achieve these goals through the application of pain-free manual mobilization techniques that allow pain-free movement and therapeutic loading of the musculoskeletal system. Both the clinician and the patient can quickly assess the value of this approach by its ability to immediately abolish painful limitations of function. If the techniques are indicated, an immediate improvement in pain, mobility and function will be observed during and following the technique application. If no immediate improvement is noted, the technique must be modified to achieve pain-free function or is not indicated at that time.
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